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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

June 15, 2014

As we go about preparations to celebrate the Dads in our lives, let us remember that:

• Some Dads will not celebrate with sons and daughters this year.
• Some sons and daughters will not celebrate with Dads this year.

For a myriad of reasons some Dads will go it alone on Sunday not necessarily by choice as will some sons and daughters.

I am a military brat.

Always on my mind on greeting card holidays are veterans and active duty military personnel. Consider active duty military Dads serving abroad who will not be with their children on Dad’s Day. Consider active duty military sons and daughters serving abroad who will not be with their Dads on Dad’s Day.

My heart goes out to the sons and daughters and Dads of Veterans who are no longer with us. My heart especially goes out to Gold Star Dads, missing a beloved son or daughter. No man signs on to be a Gold Star Dad.

For every moment of peace we enjoy, for every day of grace and greatness we owe a person in the service of our country our heartfelt thanks and none are more deserving of that consideration than those who struggle to get through this day without the significant presence of the other half of the Dad’s Day equation.

I number among the fortunate because my Dad is still living large in my life. And for that, I am enormously appreciative not only of Dad himself but grateful to those who have paid the price so the majority of us can celebrate with our Dads any darn good way we please in the USA.

That’s it for today… Happy Dad’s Day to Dads everywhere!

Some of us are lucky enough to find our heroes early in life... I call my forever hero - DAD.

Happy Father's Day Tim!

A nod to Veteran Dads

June 125, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Flay Day - USA!

June 14, 2014

Say it loud... say it proud... fly it high...