Our Harley Days
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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Independence Ride

July 4, 2010
Colorado, USA

Flag Fort Collins, CO -- After a somewhat soggy start to our morning, we rode out under gray skies looking for signs of patriotism and figuring we'd share a little of our American Pride with Ol' Glory flapping in the wind behind us.

We hoped Mother Nature would cooperate for a little while. Our excursion didn't take us far from home as we put in about 100 miles in a wide circuitous ride around Fort Collins through small town America and down country lanes, past farm, ranch and dairy lands.

We found evidence of Patriot Pride everywhere we rode today and we were happy to see it. I'll usually snap a pic of a flag or two when we ride along. Today I snapped a few more than usual flag pics.

Here is an interesting observation: We found flags flying from every kind of dwelling you can imagine (motor homes, trailer houses, humble dwellings, farm houses, barns, garages, small businesses, churches and immaculate turn of the century homes). We found flags flying from fence posts and stuck in planters and wreaths and all sorts of other places. We saw flags painted on buildings. We saw other motorcycles riding along with flags flying from sissy bars and luggage racks and displayed on windshields. We saw patriotic bunting draped under windows and on porch rails. We saw patriotic plantings of red, white and blue flowers and glimpsed an Uncle Sam or two. But, of all the flags we saw today we found the greatest number in rural and small town America and the least number in affluent neighborhoods and at the mini-mansions along the way. I can't help but wonder that the people who prosper the most from the benefits of the freedom we enjoy in the USA are those least likely to appreciate it openly. And that's as much of rant as you'll get out of me today...

We purchased a watermelon in a small market on the way home (Tim was delighted it fit in the tour pak along with the helmets) and we stopped for ice cream along the way before resigning ourselves to the fact that we had used up all our luck for today. We rode in under ominous skies about half an hour before it came a good ol' frog strangler.

The slide show follows (50 pics): My apologies for the quality of some of the pics in the following slide show. I didn't realize quick enough my trusty little Canon Power Shot camera was taking some of its last photos... I can't imagine why it would quit taking pictures and simply fall apart after 18 months, thousands of pictures and over 25,000 miles on the back of a motorcycle in all sorts of conditions - can you?


  1. Great pics. Looking forward to some gorgeous miles in Colorado next week. We plan to stay with friends in Berthoud the 14th, then proceed on to Deadwood 15th. Hope the weather is tolerable. Watch for us going by on a red Ultra with a Dakota T bag on back.

  2. I have a few more pics I'll get posted today of our peak-to-peak ride on the 5th. As you ride in on the 14th we'll be packing our ride to head west on the 15th (west then north or south - lol) and home. We have about six days and a couple of thousand miles to travel. We'll be riding out on a black Ultra with a Saddlemen bag - ha! The weather should be tolerable - cool mornings, warm days, downright perfect nights. Watch the winds in Wyoming. No telling what you'll get in South Dakota but the ride around Deadwood is awesome. Ride free. Ride safe.

  3. Nice photos of a good day, I particularly liked the one of the eagle in it's nest, there seemed to be a lot of others flying around as well. Also a good one of Tim enjoying his beer and nuts after the ride, great biking lifestyle and we're pretty much the same over here. Bikers rule!


Ride safe. Ride free. Thanks for visiting Our Harley Days. Your feedback is appreciated. -V- P.S. All comments are moderated - spammers get your jollies elsewhere.