Our Harley Days
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Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Photo

May 30, 2011
Colorado, USA

If I didn’t already know this man as a true American Patriot… if I didn’t know him to be of keen insight, educated, intelligent and articulate, if I didn’t know this man is often and thankfully outspoken in defense of the freedoms and liberties in dire peril from the overreaches of government in this season of America’s history, if I didn’t already know this man spent the better part of Memorial Day going about the real business of the day (honoring America’s best and bravest)... if I didn’t already know all that - I would still glean as much from this photo – it speaks loudly of the man’s pride in country and respect for the flag that provides the backdrop but it speaks more so, well and truly of focused reverence, devotion and humility… this photo is worth the proverbial thousand words. Carry on Charlie.


  1. Great photo and a great man. We owe him our thanks and respect.

  2. We do... I have a soft spot for patriots, especially this one - he's a dear friend and about as red, white and true blue as they make 'em. -V-


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