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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Way to go Mom!

April 27, 2008
Fort Collins, CO

Job well done

On April 15, in front of Lunn’s Funeral Home on Midwestern Parkway, maybe you observed a sight that lots of people turned their heads to watch.

The Patriot Guard, men and women, stood tall and each was holding a large American flag. They were there to honor a WWII Navy veteran’s passing. As the flags blew steadily in the wind against a very blue sky, these men and women came on motorcycles to be a part of this man’s final day on this Earth. They gave of their time and from their hearts, to do the thing that they do best.

Upon the request of this veteran’s family, they were there to do this honorable thing. A lady approached me as I sat in my car and asked me what was going on. As I told her of this great organization and what they do, she said she had never seen anything so awesome and patriotic. She said tell my husband and all the other patriot guards, a job well done. You see these men and women give of their time and other things in their everyday life to do these types of services for our fallen heroes. So if you did see them, we thank you for noticing them and maybe again if you see the Patriot Guard standing for a fellow veteran, stop and say thank you and how great it was to see our American flags flying and for the service they provide.

Inez Foster
Wichita Falls

Source: Times Record News: Wichita Falls TX (link is dead) http://www.timesrecordnews.com/news/2008/apr/27/letter-editior-april-27/ Pictures of the Patriot Guard in action can be seen on the April 15, 2008 post of this blog.

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