Our Harley Days
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Windy Sunday Ride

January 18, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

Windy! Again, or rather still. No, it didn't keep us from getting out and about for a couple of hours on The Ride today. Lots of other riders braved the winds - no need to waste a warm day when the roads are clear... at least, that's our thinking.

Once again, we rode up to Horsetooth Reservoir, but as soon as we saw the white caps on the lake we made the decision to ride west instead of north. West across the south end of the reservoir is a scenic ride into the small crossroads community known as Masonville. Nostalgic West Leathers sits at the crossroads, but they were not open today.

We then rode south into Loveland down a country lane we had not been down before. At the end of the lane is Sandy's Conoco where the restrooms are clean and the coffee is good. Sandy's Conoco sits next door to one of our favorite junktique malls - Canyon Collectibles - but, we didn't stop in today. We'll save shopping for colder days. We rode on... up to see if Flat Iron Reservoir was froze over. It was. The winds in the upper canyon were howling so we rode the flat lands for a good while but soon headed back in the direction of Fort Collins. The road home took us by Loveland's frozen lake where the winds coming across were colder. We saw a bunch of idiots skating and fishing out on the lake. We say idiots because one has to think that with temps in the 60s and winds blowing, that some thawing is going on - right? Of course, what do we know -- I equivocate walking out on a frozen lake to jumping off a cliff attached to a giant rubber band. Nope. Not happening.

We called it a day earlier than we wanted to... but we finally got tired of the stinking wind. It is supposed to be warm for a few more days... when the opportunity presents itself -- we'll be right back out there.

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