Our Harley Days
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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday Ride

February 1, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

Super Bowl Sunday. We wondered out loud while sipping our coffee this morning if the day would warm up beyond expectation since we had sun early. At noon, we still had temps in the mid-30s and wind. So, Tim resigned himself to yard work and I went about making snacks we would share later with our neighbors, the Browns when we gathered to watch the Super Bowl.

At 2 pm, the temperature hit 40. Unable to resist the sunshine, I stepped out in the yard and asked Tim did he think it was warm enough to ride. I know, stuuuuuuupid question. The rake hit the ground fast and lay where it dropped as we suited up. Ten minutes later (we're getting good at this) we were out of here. Keep in mind, there is still snow on the ground in the shady spots and the roadsides and most of the lakes and ponds are frozen.

Admittedly, forty Degrees is a bit chilly for a ride, but ride we did. About ten miles later, we were pulling over to swap out gloves. We didn't ride long or very far. We took a short tour around the north end of town and east of town, stopped at a McDonald's for coffee and to warm up, stopped again at the grocery store (along with the rest of the world) for chips and two hours later found our way back home.

We have a couple of nice in-town rides on the outskirts of town with lots of twists and turns so even a short ride is fun. This time we rode north on Overland Trail and east on Vine, crossed I-25 for a short rural ride and then back to town.

Here we are warming up cold noses and fingers at the McDonald's on the east side of town. This McD sits adjacent to Thunder Mountain's Custom Cycle Shop.

We rounded out our day with friends, watched the Super Bowl, munched on wings and nachos and generally counted the day about as good as they get.

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