Our Harley Days
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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Boot is all better now

September 3, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

Boot damage OK - so it's a slow day around here for motorcycle news. You'll recall when we were riding in the Black Hills of South Dakota not too long ago, I had Tim cut a big ol' hole in one of my Harley boots. Why? Well, my left foot sprouted a horn of sorts and the pressure of that boot was more than I could stand. We were smack in the middle of a really fun weekend and I wasn't about to call it quits so the integrity of that boot had to go. The X-type hole in the boot looked really bad, but it felt really good. I spent the rest of the weekend riding with a hole in my boot and didn't think much about it until we got home. Besides, when I'm wearing my chaps you can barely see the toe of my boots.

I took the damaged boot to Roger's Shoe Repair here in Fort Collins Monday morning. I told the man at the desk I had a sort of self-inflicted blow-out. You should have seen the man's face when he saw the boot. It looked like someone had put a gun in it and blasted a hole from the inside. LOL! He said hmmmmmm.... and hmmmmmm... again. I explained all I wanted was a bubble patch on the outside of the damaged area... He said it might be sort of costly - maybe as much as $25. I'm looking at 1/2 of my $150 Harley-Davidson boots, thinking - you gotta deal.

boot repaired The boot came home today. It looks and more importantly, feels pretty good. So, I'm back in business and not a minute too soon. Thunder in the Rockies is this weekend. It starts tomorrow evening, but we'll go first thing Saturday morning. After that, who knows where the road will take us. It's a three-day weekend - woo-hoo!

Thunder in the Rockies


  1. Nice to know that a repair like that can be done, thanks.

    Ride on,

  2. -V-

    Boot looks great and if it feels great, ya done good...Have fun on the Thunder in The Rockies Run, take plenty of pics and above all else, Ride Safe. I only have 7 1/4 weeks to go before I am back on the bike... Have a great a safe Labor Day Weekend ride!! Our best to Tim..


  3. Hey guys...
    Of course we had to ride today - just to make certain the boot was in good working order - ha! I'm happy to report - it is. J- it's hard to believe you'll be out of the saddle over 7 weeks! Yikes! Ms Clone is gonna think she's being punished. Be well... -V-


Ride safe. Ride free. Thanks for visiting Our Harley Days. Your feedback is appreciated. -V- P.S. All comments are moderated - spammers get your jollies elsewhere.