Our Harley Days
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Beating the heat in Texas breakfast ride

July 24, 2010
Colorado, USA

Wichita Falls, TX -- Mom reported this morning that Dad and friends (Laura and Tex) left out about 6:45 this morning for breakfast at the Green Frog in Jacksboro, TX. You have to ride out early at this time of year in Texas to beat the heat of the day. Later, they decided to take the long way back through Graham, Olney and Archer City, where it's a sure bet Dad will stop for ice cream. Eventually they plan to ride back to Red River Harley-Davidson.

This is the first long ride for Laura and Tex on their beautiful new (new to them) red and gray H-D Ultra Classic. Watch that stop at the Harley dealership guys - that sucking sensation you feel as you walk through the door is aimed at your wallet! Ha!

Congrats on the new ride - it's a beauty!

Tex and Laura - new ride
In the meantime, we have gray, unsettled skies in northern Colorado today and Tim is at work. So, I am editing photos from Road Trip #2 - should have a post up soon.


  1. The Green Frog - haven't eaten there in a long time, but always liked it.

  2. Nice looking bike - bloody huge too! You say you have to ride out early to beat the heat of the day, how hot does it get there? Is it humid or dry heat? At most we get to high 30's celsius which is 98f give or take but that is only one or two days, mostly we are in the mid to high 20's (75f) so riding is comfortable and our winter is short and mild. South Africa is a great place for bikers!!!

  3. Wow! Loving the sound of South Africa riding weather. We would never get a thing done...

    Humid: Texas Folk do have to ride out early to beat the heat... July and August are the HOT months of the year - we're talking triple digits (100+)from sunup to well past sundown...

    Dry: Colorado's weather is more mild. We hit those triple digits a few days in the summer but it rarely lasts more than a couple of hours... and if it is too hot here on the front range (foothills) we simply head west and up into the Rockies. Winters can be cold and snowy but how else could I catch up on everything I don't do while we are riding the rest of the time? Ha!


Ride safe. Ride free. Thanks for visiting Our Harley Days. Your feedback is appreciated. -V- P.S. All comments are moderated - spammers get your jollies elsewhere.