Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Temp was right - winds too high

February 16, 2011
Colorado, USA

Housework done? Nope.
Laundry done? Nope.
Paperwork done? Nope.
Shopping done? Nope.
Wanna ride? Yep.

Temps reached the mid 60s in our neck of the woods today and the winds were howling, but that didn't keep us from getting out for a 23 mile tour around the south end of town on a BTGTWR (before Tim goes to work ride).

Mountains glistening beyond frozen lake - believe it or not - there's a storm raging in the high country.

Winds were howling along country roads in our neck of the woods today.

Inadvertent ME shot - ha!

Shadow Riders join us for a short, windy ride.

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