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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day

March 30, 2011
Colorado, USA

Welcome Home Vietnam VeteransToday is Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. This day marks the anniversary of the day (March 30, 1973) that combat and combat support units withdrew completely from South Vietnam.

The U.S. Senate passed a resolution on March 7, 2011, declaring March 30 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. This day will be recognized across the U.S. as a day of commemoration, a day to pay the proper respect to the veterans who sacrificed so much during the war.

Troops returning from Vietnam during that era were treated badly, disrespected or ignored. We cannot change how things were back then but we can change how Vietnam Veterans are treated today. These service men and women served bravely, experiencing horrors and atrocities many of them could never speak about again. Most of them chose to serve their country. Some were compelled to serve their country. None of them chose the Vietnam war. Wars are chosen by bureaucrats who seldom if ever see real conflict. They returned home without receiving thanks or praise or appreciation for serving with bravery and honor while watching friends and comrades perish in circumstances, the horror of which most of us cannot begin to fathom.

For their service and sacrifice, Vietnam Veterans deserve recognition and gratitude. It's such an easy thing to do -- today and every day. When you run across a Vietnam Veteran or, for that matter - any Veteran - give a tip of your hat, a nod of your head, shake a hand or simply say - Thank you for your service and if you haven't heard it before - welcome home. And, if you see a Vet ride by on a motorcycle (you'll know him by the flag on his back or the ones flying behind his bike) give a toot on the horn and wave.

More importantly - teach your children respect for all those who serve our country. They cannot know the importance of our freedoms if they do not know the cost.

These same Vietnam Veterans are out there today - standing in the rain, gathering in airports, lining roadways, shaking hands, standing flag lines and escorting memorial services for their own but also this era's Veterans, making certain no soldier's service to this country goes without notice or appreciation ever again.

For my Dad, my husband, uncles and cousins, and many, many friends who served during the Vietnam era. You know who you are. You make me proud.


Finally, let's remember some Vietnam Veterans have yet to return home... if you know of someone still waiting for the day when their loved one returns or someone who lost a loved one... just take a moment to remind them their loved one's service is not forgotten.

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