Our Harley Days
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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Egg Ride

March 30, 2013
Colorado USA

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. ~~ Charles Dickens

We rolled out just after lunch. We had clouds and sun and wind and called it OK because we were just happy to get out on the Harley at all. We made the short and scenic ride to Lyons where we milled around and took a couple of pics with the egg fountain in the park.

The Rockies

Riding west on Hwy 66 toward Lyons CO

Tim - The Egg Fountain - Lyons CO

Vik - The Egg Fountain - Lyons CO

The Egg Fountain - Lyons CO

The Ride - The Egg Fountain - Lyons CO

As the skies turned darker and the winds kicked up we brought it on home, finishing the afternoon out looking for ammo (yep, we scored) and dining on mexican food. We had much needed rain about an hour after tucking The Ride into the garage. Tomorrow is supposed to be an even better day. We are counting on it!

Today's ride = 77.5 miles

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