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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy #77 Dad!

April 21, 2013
Colorado USA

Dad - 77th Birthday Ride 2013
77th +1 Birthday Ride

Texas -- Today Dad aka Ted aka Frosty is celebrating his 77th birthday on this earth and the rest of us are celebrating the fact that we have such a man as he in our lives.

As for me, I am a lucky girl to have the one man I would have chosen out of all the men in the world - to call DAD.

Dad does not like mushy stuff so I will let photos do the talkin'.

I will say I wish you the brightest blessings the day has to offer - may you have a day filled with sunshine, Nezzie ever faithful by your side, the company of few good friends and of course - cake! Happy Birthday Dad!

The following is a video slide show with music. It is an ongoing project. Every year I add a few more photos.
Happy #77 Ted aka Dad
April 21, 2013

Click here to play

The following is a slide show (57 slides) with no music that is easier to pause and view.

Alternate link to this slide show

The mushy stuff... about as mushy as we get *** grins! ***

I am my father’s daughter…

As a little girl child I dreamed of the day I would grow up to be a man so I could do guy stuff with Dad. In early adolescence I suddenly and rather disappointingly realized that was not how things were going to work out at all. Who knew being a girl was going to cause so much trouble? Defiantly, I found pleasure in tom-boyish activities. As a teenage girl I railed and rebelled against patriarchal dictate. As a determined young woman I struggled to find my way in a progressive world that was not my father’s world. So often that world fell short of my expectations. As a middle aged woman I began the elusive inner quest of self-discovery -- who am I, what do I believe, where do I belong in the grand scheme of things? More often than not, life’s great quandaries were resolved with a return to the roots of my ethics and principles. Time after time, my path has led me home, at least in my heart. I realized my check and balance system is in my upbringing – the boundaries of which are marked by respect for Mom and Dad. Now, not quite old but with enough of the shine worn off of my former idealism I know without a doubt I am simply and unequivocally my father’s daughter. And, I am happily content to be so. What that means is: I have settled into my real self and embraced the idea that the apple did not fall so far from the tree after all. Gender has nothing to do with it. I can be who I am with all my hard convictions and go about my days without apology or nuance or affectation – just like Dad. In a chaotic, directionally disturbed world I am fortunate to have a symbol of true north in my life – My DAD.

Happy 77th Birthday Dad!
With Love and Respect and Daughterly Devotion -- Vik
Without a doubt the older I get – the smarter you get…
April 21, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to my favorite boyfriend and one of the sweetest guys I know.. Love Peanut


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