Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend Day 4

May 27, 2013

It is Memorial Day. May we always spare a moment to remember the significance of the day... to every man and woman who has served this great country as no other has - we salute you!

Today we took a lazy ride, flags flying proudly behind us, stopping first for brunch at Aunt Alice's Kitchen in Longmont CO. We are never disappointed by a meal at Aunt Alice's. The service is fast and friendly, the menu is reasonably priced and the food is always great! The day was fine so we chose a spot on the cozy patio, settled in and ordered coffee and breakfast.

The Rocky Mountains
The Rocky Mountains - Purple Mountain Majesty

Flag adorned cemetery... salute!
Flag adorned cemetery - Salute!

Flags on the ride...
Flags on The Ride

The Ride keeping good company at Aunt Alice's Kitchen
The Ride keeping good company at Aunt Alice's

Aunt Alice's
Aunt Alice's Kitchen - YUM!

You didn't get that did you?
You didn't get that - did you?

Hey there Tim!
Nawww... I missed it - ha!

Did I say YUM!
Did I say YUM!

After brunch we took the long way home roaming up and down country roads until the skies began to spit and the winds kicked up. We have been procrastinating for a while but decided today was as good as any to bring home a new BBQ grill. And that's how we spent the rest of the day.

Farmer humor
Farmer humor - we hope...

The Platte River near Platteville
The Platte River near Platteville

Virga forming
Virga forming...

Heading home now - virga has stopped being virga
Heading home now... virga has stopped being virga

Today's ride was an estimated 121 miles

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