Our Harley Days
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Saturday, August 19, 2017

HOT! No damn DQ ride through little town Texas

August 19, 2017

We had a good ride yesterday north into Oklahoma so we lazily rolled out this morning from Red River Harley-Davidson where we met our pals for donuts thinking we would get a short ride in before the heat got too bad. It's about 10:30 am. It's August in Texas. Making a note here: everyone else we know went home to their air-conditioning. Dad rode off shaking his head. I'm sure he went home and told Mom them damn crazy kids are riding. Ha!

We thought let's ride out to Medicine Mound and back. That's a quick round trip. Medicine Mound is basically a ghost town but there's supposed to be a tiny museum there. We said quick round trip. Nope! We missed the turnoff for Medicine Mound in Chilicothe and ran into road construction near Quanah. Rather than back track through road construction we ride on to Childress. It is getting HOT!

We had a choice to travel north and ride Hwy 62 in Oklahoma home or travel south in a wide loop back to Vernon through small Texas towns. We nixed Hwy 62 having ridden it many times to and from Colorado. Besides, we could get ice cream at a Dairy Queen in Paducah - right? Nope! Okay we'll ride on to Crowell and get ice cream at the DQ there - right? Nope!

Did I mention it was getting HOT! We're riding in triple digit heat now. How the heck does little town Texas make it through a Texas summer without ice cream? Don't they know it's against the law in Texas to not have a DQ?

It had gone from HOT to stinking HOT by the time we found air conditioning and banana splits at a Braum's in Vernon! That's approximately 200 miles spent looking for a DQ! Tim said as we rolled into town I think there is a DQ here. I said if you pass that Braum's there will be hell to pay!

By the time we got our body temps down to just half-baked, the winds had kicked up and some nasty looking clouds were building. The last pic I got was of the banana splits because the battery died in the old camera I was carrying (no extra in my pocket).

The dry winds were strong and we could see a dust storm brewing. The only rain we had were a few spits as we rode into our home town on loop 11.

Today's ride = 269.9 sizzling s'miles

Slide show of about 39 photos includes old trucks, old buildings, hot Texas roads and baked landscapes + ice cream at the end!

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