Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Here and there on Saturday

June 16, 2018

A Saturday off! And we're taking it off. Ha!

We started the day as we do most Saturdays if we're in town - with donuts at RRHD but we took the long way around to the dealership, rolling out about 8 am, getting gas and riding west on country roads to Electra and back to the dealership on busy Hwy 287. The winds were already howling! It is hard to get a good shot in high winds. Dad took the same ride (more or less) leaving about half an hour ahead of us. He and Bobby were already at the dealership when we rolled in. We sat, we cussed and discussed and munched on donuts.

Part of our ride was through open range...

These were our skies - we call this cloud formation mare's tails - an indicator of high winds

This interesting ride was parking next to our ride when we walked out of the dealership. I spoke with the man briefly and wished him safe travels. He said he was headed into the dealership for oil. I snapped a couple shots with his permission and walked to the back of the bike to see where he was from. Answer: Louisiana. Destination: Alaska. Now that's a summer adventure!

We rolled out of the dealership with friend Bobby for a quick ride before the heat. Later in the day we met Bobby and Tina at RRHD for a supper run. It was still hot and windy so we chose The Feedlot in Burkburnett, TX as our destination. Burkburnett is about 12 miles north of Wichita Falls near the Red River (border between Texas and Oklahoma). We enjoyed this restaurant. The food (catfish and fixins x4) was good, the service excellent, prices were reasonable, and the establishment was cozy, clean and cool. The Feedlot - Burkburnett

So... This is friend Tina who when she saw the camera pop out decided to "snatch Bobby bald-headed" to cover helmet head... she's a quick thinker that girl. Ha!

After supper we retraced some of the s'miles we rode earlier with Bobby, taking a slow, leisurely ride home on country roads.

Before donuts = 59 s'miles. After donuts = 42.3 s'smiles. Supper run = 66.2 s'miles. Total s'miles today - 167.5.

Here's a slide show of fun on the supper run (about 22 pics) with music.

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