Our Harley Days
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Breakfast in Laramie Wyoming Ride

June 28, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

Tim is working a regular shift this Sunday because of the impending holiday. The sunshine was hard, check that - impossible to resist this morning so by 9:30 am we were on the Harley and in search of breakfast. We found breakfast about 68 miles north of here in Laramie, Wyoming.

Cinnamon Rolls It is a rare day to ride this particular road without encountering high winds. It is Wyoming, meaning it is a rare day when the wind doesn't blow - or howl. We made it almost to the state line before we picked winds up this trip in. As we rode through town, we noticed it was busier than usual for a Sunday morning. It looked like they were setting up for some sort of festival. We rode on to Shari's Restaurant for coffee and - you guessed it - a cinnamon roll. Shari's cinnamon rolls are large and drenched in a caramel pecan topping. YUM!

We noticed a couple of old Army vehicles in town. Odd. Before riding back to Fort Collins, we stopped at a Shell station just off I-80 for gas. We talked to a couple there on Harleys, the Ultra was pulling a trailer. They were from North Carolina. she was wearing a USMC sweater and flying what looked like a Marine flag. They were headed to Oregon on a 6000 mile vacation. Wow - does that sound like fun or what?

On the road again, it wasn't long before we spotted an Army convoy. That's what all the activity in Laramie was about I'm guessing - a welcome home for the boys! If Tim wasn't due to work today, we would have turned around and followed them back into town. We waved and got quite a response.

The rest of the ride in was fairly uneventful. The winds gave Tim a devil of a time with his do-rag and he finally just took it off and rode the rest of the way in without it. We enjoyed our 136 mile breakfast ride.

A few pics follow and a video of the army convoy...


  1. Outstanding post, great pics & even greater Video.. That country up there is just beautiful!! Ya'll continue ridng safe and Vickie, continue the GREAT posts!!

  2. Yeah John - Any opportunity to salute our troops makes our day. We have a 4 day weekend coming up on The Ride - stay tuned. Ya'll be careful out in the Texas heat - catch ya next week! Ride on and ride safe.


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