Our Harley Days
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Friday, June 26, 2009

Rist Canyon BTGTW Ride

June 26, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

I have mentioned it before - Rist Canyon is a great ride just out our front door. A quick trip via scenic Bingham Hill Rd over to Vern's at LaPorte for gas and soon we headed west past the Bellvue Store and in a manner of minutes we were riding through Rist Canyon. The road is good in fair weather and on weekdays the traffic is light. On weekends you'll share the road with lots of other bikers and cyclists... We enjoyed the ride in shirt sleeves. It can be cool in the canyon under cloud cover. We had a few clouds but ran out from under them for the better part of the ride. At the Stove Prairie junction (a favorite biker rest stop), we turned south and rode Buckhorn Canyon into Masonville and over the dam toward home. A turn north at Stove Prairie leads to the Poudre Canyon. Either way, it is as I said, a great ride. Undulating hills, unexpected sharp twists, blind turns and steep grades. Riding the part of the canyon we rode today is just over 50 miles from the house and takes just over an hour.

It is pleasant to ride in the mornings in northern Colorado. Most mornings are clear, cool and crisp. Our afternoons have been stormy and unpredictable lately. Thunderstorms are likely any afternoon through most of the summer. They were building fast as we turned The Ride toward home about noon. The rule of thumb for mountain driving, riding, cycling, hiking is early in - out by 2 pm.

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