Our Harley Days
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Look Out Dead Heads - Here We Come

August 20, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

New Backrest Just say Studs-R-Us - no - maybe not. The new backrest we ordered to go with the seat we replaced a while back on The Ride arrived last week. In fact, it was installed before we rode to the Salute to American Veterans Rally last weekend. It is wider and curved which makes it really comfortable. Plus, it completes the lines on the bike nicely.

Speaking of comfort, I spoke with an older woman at the rally who told me she used to sleep on the back of the BMW that she and her husband rode all over the southwest. You won't catch me doing that - ever. There's just something wrong about taking a nap barreling down the road at 70+ mph whether one is on two or four or eighteen wheels... And geez - think of all the stuff you're missing... For the record, I want to be fully awake for any potential "Wake up Leroy" moment - that's for certain. LOL!

This morning we rode under clear skies over the dam and back. Our mission was to enjoy, if only for a brief time, a beautiful morning and gas up the ride for a whirlwind trip into South Dakota this weekend. The new Saddlemen luggage Tim wanted for his birthday is packed and ready to go. (It is studded, too. Ha!) This will be the first trip we've made with it. Already, I can't say enough good things about this new luggage - ample room, quality craftsmanship, very versatile as well as utilitarian in design. The salesman and I had a lively discussion about luggage when I asked him to show me what it looked like on a Heritage. He said function was more important than form - that looks didn't really matter. I disagreed. Further, I made it clear, on our ride, form and function are equally important. Sensing he had lost that particular argument, he whipped out a catalog and showed us the piece of luggage we were considering came with studs - yep - that sealed the deal. Now, that's a good salesman. Harley-Davidson dealers are now carrying the Saddlemen line. Check it out if you have a chance.

Saddlemen Luggage

Neither one of us have ever been to South Dakota. We are looking forward to playing tourist, seeing the sights like Mount Rushmore (dead heads) and riding the Black Hills. I'm signing off until next week... Til' then - ride safe, ride free.

Saddlemen Morotcycle Luggage and Accessories

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