Our Harley Days
Our Rides... Our Adventures... Our Family and Friends...
Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Monday, August 24, 2009

South Dakota Ride

August 24, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

We are home after a whirlwind ride through South Dakota. Here's a quick recap - detailed posts are coming as soon...

Dead Heads Day 1 - We rode to Hot Springs, South Dakota checked into our hotel and rode through the city of Custer and on Iron Mountain Road through one lane tunnels and around pigtail turns to see the deadheads, aka Mount Rushmore. Seeing the presidents carved into stone for the first time was memorable - but the best part was getting there and leaving there. The roads through the Black Hills are memory makers all by themselves. Afterwards, we added another deadhead to the group by visiting the Crazy Horse Memorial.

Day 1 is posted including a Mount Rushmore Mini-Movie.

Hot Rods Day 2 - We rode to Rapid City, Sturgis, Spearfish Canyon, Lead (pronounced Leed), and Deadwood. Deadwood Nights (a vintage car show and rally was in full swing). We rode the hills that day with classic cars coming at us around every corner. We rode Boulder Canyon back to Sturgis then Vanocker Canyon to Needles Highway and on to Hill City. The day was perfect and the roads are beyond anything we ever imagined.

The first part of Day 2 is posted including Spearfish Canyon Mini-Movie
Day 2 - continued is posted including Needle Highway Mini-Movie

Badlands Day 3 - We rode to Wall and visited the famous Wall Drug Store (great American success story) where we had five cent coffee and donuts. Finally we rode through the Badlands before turning The Ride the long way home across southern South Dakota, north western Nebraska and Wyoming.

Day 3 is posted including Badlands Ride Mini-Movie

We've added South Dakota and Nebraska to the notches on our belt - states on our map. You know me, I took lots of photos and video clips... stay tuned...
Tim & Vickie - Badlands, SD

Here are some of the places we visited...
Mount Rushmore - South Dakota
Crazy Horse Memorial - South Dakota
Badlands National Park - South Dakota
Spearfish Canyon - South Dakota
Deadwood, South Dakota
Sturgis, South Dakota
Lead, South Dakota


  1. -V-,

    Excellent post as always...Next year Janice wants to come to Colorado on our Harley (any day now, she promises) and we are definitely coming to see you. Then you can take us to all the beautiful places you go to up there in God's country. Great pics!!! Ride On & Ride Safe...John & Janice

  2. Thanks J&J. I appreciate the feedback. Would you believe I'm still editing photos? 'Bout done though and the movies will be posted soon.

    Ya'll come and we will ride and visit and ride some more. Would love sharing Colorado with you.

    Ride Safe. Ride Free.


Ride safe. Ride free. Thanks for visiting Our Harley Days. Your feedback is appreciated. -V- P.S. All comments are moderated - spammers get your jollies elsewhere.