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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mission: Police Officer - Texas

September 21, 2010
Colorado, USA

Dad - PGR Ride Captain Wichita Falls, TX -- Ted (Dad) rode with several riders to stand the flag line at the memorial service for Lt. Jerry Riley, Wichita Falls Police Department (retired). Photos of this mission are compliments of John Bailey who is a close friend of the deceased.

This was what Dad had to say upon filing his first completed mission report (he was ride captain of this mission):

We formed a flag line to honor Ret. Police Lt. Jerry Riley, who faithfully served the City of Wichita Falls for 26 years. We presented his wife Amy with a Certificate from the North Texas PGR. She was very appreciative of both the Certificate and our presence and especially the flag line. I told her we were honored to be a part of his memorial.

The weather was warm (not hot) with a breeze, just enough to make the flags stand out and blow free with the wind.

I would like to thank Amy and her family for inviting us to be a part of Lt. Riley's Memorial. In addition I would like to thank John "SnapShot" Bailey for being the "Go To Guy" on this mission and Ray "Tex" Calvert for his assistance and bringing the flags and water.

A slide show follows (9 photos):

See the blog North Texas Bikers for more of John's excellent photos.

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