Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Road Trip #3 - Texas HOG Rally - Day 5 - Family Reunion, Catfish and a visit with Grandma

September 5, 2010
Colorado, USA

Following Dad to the Family Reunion Wichita Falls, TX -- Today was a family day. A few weeks ago I learned that the Foster Family Reunion would fall on the same weekend as the rally. We talked it over with Dad and all of us agreed it would be fun to ride over and say hello.

So, after a nice breakfast, Mom got in the car and we all followed Dad to Walters, OK. My brother could not make it as he was still not feeling well. Too bad. The ride over was nice, the morning clear and bright if a bit windy. We parked the motorcycles right in the front door and had some fun with that. It was good to see the few people we recognized after all these years (Uncle O, Donna, Lonnie and his family) and to visit for a short time. There are so many we do not know, but it was nice to meet and talk to a few of them.

Our Rides parked at the Foster Family ReunionOur Rides parked at the Foster Family Reunion

We did not stay for the luncheon at the reunion (but goodness! the food looked and smelled scrumptious). We had made plans to meet friends at Bill's Catfish. Plus, I still needed to get to Henrietta and visit with my 99 year old grandmother before the day was out.

Friends Ray and Laura met us at Bills for catfish - yum! We had been waiting all weekend for good catfish and we were not disappointed. I say it again - YUM! I did not even think about taking a picture before diving in... ha! After that, I said my goodbyes to Ray and Laura before Mom and I split off from the group and drove to Henrietta to visit Grandma. The rest rode back to Wichita Falls. It was a hot and windy ride.

The visit with Grandma went well. Alice stopped by while we were there and Cousin Clay and his family popped in on Grandma as well. We all had a good visit. I told Grandma Tim and I would come by for another visit tomorrow morning on our way to Dallas. Before leaving Henrietta, we stopped at Alice's for a short time and admired her new covered patio. Very nice!

This was our last evening with the Folks for this trip. Tomorrow we will ride to Dallas to visit with the daughter and her family for a day. We visited for a good while and talked about all the things we have done the last few days. We consumed BlueBell ice cream (I don't know where we put it) and have managed to make it to bed at a reasonable hour.

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