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Saturday, January 21, 2012

mBSc Alert

January 21, 2012
Colorado, USA

This just in from an unknown source:

mBScTexas - Oh nooooooooooooooooooo!

The mBSc was spotted last night at the "Cotton Patch" eatery. Let me tell you... all 5 members and of course auxiliary personnel were in attendance along with 4 other people making a lot of noise and rowdy conversation. I did notice people gazing at them and probably wondering what they were so hyped up about. I overheard one person say I think it is somebody's birthday, because I saw some kind of funny birthday cards being passed around the table of about 14 people. Whoa that is a lot of people. The table consisted of 12 people eating and then two younger ones left to do other things rather to sit around and listen to the mBSc discuss worldly problems and how to solve them.

It was a fun evening, the food was tasty, and the company was extraordinary. But beware! I think I overheard they are planning a repeat event this morning at RRHD. Do you think I should put out a bulletin warning RRHD that there will probably be 5 so called motorcycle bikers heading that way? No-no-no, let’s let them take care of the coffee-drinking, donut-eating and loud-talking supposed customers wanting to buy a ten dollar hat, I said ten dollar hat, not a ten gallon hat.

Beware the mBSc are on the loose today and nobody knows, the trouble these rough bikers can get into...

Signed: Unknown source

My sources confirm the rumor although I have it that one mBSc almost went MIA... as he had yet to come out of his pj's - LOL!

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