Our Harley Days
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Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Sunday afternoon ride

March 4, 2012
Colorado, USA

We rode for about an hour after Tim got in from his Saturday shift yesterday, but by the time we rolled out the winds had kicked up and clouds filtered the sun making the temperature break earlier than we would have it. It didn't matter though because we knew we would roll out today.

About noon-thirty we rolled out of the drive. The winds were high in some areas but we ducked behind a couple of ridges and got a great ride in just making a wide circle around the area, enjoying the sun on our faces and temps as warm as we have had them this year thus far. We rode north of the city as far as possible without committing to Wyoming, then east and south of the city rambling up and down the farm roads, finally rolling west taking the longest possible route home by way of Carter Lake. The lake road had drifts of sand on it in quite a few spots and the lake itself was really low.

We collected the first bugs of the season, a couple of honey bees that were still kicking when we stopped to stretch our winter legs and have a cup of thermos coffee.

Honey Bee hitchhiker - still kicking

The shadows were growing long and chilly by the time we pointed The Ride home so we saved the other lakes for another day. Today's ride = 154 miles. Sure feels good to be out and about. And we were not the only ones burning up the highway on two wheels... we didn't travel more than a mile without seeing another motorcycle - I am sure of it.

Shadow Riders

Carter Lake

WindjammerThe Windjammer (Carter Lake) had a decent collection of toys out front as we rode by

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