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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2 Million Bikers to DC

September 11, 2013

Just one of many videos documenting an awesome event.

And this statement pretty much sums it up...

Oklahoma Rider Report:

All I can say is WOW!!! What an amazing experience. I have no idea how many bikes were there but the DC police estimate over 1 million. Bikes were staged 10 to 12 abreast bumper to bumper and the line was at least a mile long.

So much love for America. Bikers were from all walks of life. White, Black, Brown, Red, Yellow. Every one a patriotic American. The streets were lined with non riders cheering us on and waving flags. Traffic stopped and people got out of their cars to join in the waving and cheering. Overpasses were full of fire departments. Cops stood by the side of the road at attention, saluting us.

Bikers definitely made a statement for liberty today and judging by the enormous show of respect and support, we were NOT alone. The riders may have did the ride but America sent the message! Don't let the mainstream media fool you. America is full of patriots.

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