Our Harley Days
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Friday, July 18, 2008

Sitting on a Harley now

July 18, 2008
Fort Collins, CO

But earlier today I was/we were sitting on pins and needles waiting for it to get here. I've been waiting three weeks for the work to come together on it. The dealership drug their feet making it happen but in the end they made it right.

My Harley arrived just before 3 pm.

The guy who delivered it said, Look what I found sittin' around in Colorado Springs - it needs a home - can you take it in?

Did I say WooHoo! It's a sweet little 883 XL Sportster, Vivid Black, no fluff. I bought it stock, changed the handlebar rack and lowered the suspension front and back, added a windshield and a luggage rack.

I sat on it for the first time today since I had it lowered and my feet do touch the ground. Amazing! I started it, and what a thrill! I didn't ride it today. No time for instruction. Tim took off work for the delivery so he couldn't stick around much longer than that.

Of course, the delivery of it drew a crowd. I guess it's one thing for a guy like Tim to get a Harley like he did last month (guys do that all the time - right?). It's quite another thing for the fifty something, gray-haired, cookie-baking, gardening lady down the street to get one, too.

I've been holding court out on the street and in the garage most of the afternoon and evening. Everyone wanted to see it up close.

I've never owned a new vehicle. I don't think I realized how much I wanted a Harley to have that honor.

Stay tuned folks... this is gonna be fun.

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