Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Colorado Weekend - Day Four - Road Home

September 24, 2008
Fort Collins, CO

Colorado Weekend - Day Four - The Road Home

We were less eager to rise this morning, because this was the day we had to return to reality and home.

After a continental breakfast, and a last chat with our new Georgia friends, we packed up the bike and suited up for the ride home. We thought about going back the way we came but, nixed that idea. Been there, done that. We thought about the route through the mountains which would take most of the day, but storms were already building and agreed that wasn't such a great idea. Finally, we decided - ride I-25 to Denver and we'll figure it out when we get there. The ride went well. It was early so the traffic wasn't bad. It was cold at Monument Hill and going over the Palmer Divide.

We stopped for donuts and coffee at the Krispy Kreme just off of C-470 and I-25 in Denver. There, we decided to ride C-470 around the south end of Denver, go through Golden and take Hwy 93 on to Boulder. This was a pleasant drive, one we've made several times - just never on a motorcycle. We stopped for a coke and a short rest in Boulder and made the trip into Fort Collins fairly quick.

It's been a long time since we've had such a good time in the mountains. We have The Ride to thank for that. This will likely be the last long weekend of the summer, but there are plenty of short rides just out our back door and we're looking forward to each and every one of them.

Total trip Mileage = approximately 616 miles

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