Our Harley Days
Our Rides... Our Adventures... Our Family and Friends...
Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thirty-Seven Years

November 22, 2008
Fort Collins, CO

Tim and Vickie (that's US) celebrate 37 years (1971-2008) of marriage today. I know. Who woulda thunk it? Ha!

After 37 years of looking over a coffee cup every morning at each other you'd think we'd be a veritable fountain of wisdom on how to stay married to one person for that long. So, if you're askin' - here's the secret. It's called Hang In There. Yep! Stick it out through the good times, hard times, sad times, confusing times and the we don't know what the hell happened times. Stay true, honest and try to always remember what's really important at the end of the day, week, year, decade. Oh, and it helps to have a fully developed sense of humor.

We've had our ups and down, trials and tribulations, smiles and tears and NO, we didn't come through all that unscathed -- we have our scars -- but we're still here and we're still together. Just when you think it can't get any worse - it does. But you hang in there and you muddle through somehow. Just when you think it can't get any better - it does. And you hang in there with sense enough to enjoy the ride.

This year started out like so many others and like so many others evolved into something we didn't expect and couldn't have predicted. That's life. If I had to analyze it, I'd say this is the year of the Harley. This is one of those times when you start out sort of stale, in a rut, but you hang in there and all of a sudden it gets better, then worse and better again. A physical therapist said to me (after my bike accident) that most people settle down when they hit their fifties. I told her that isn't how it works in our family... Example: Dad is riding again in his seventies. We don't really have a cut-off date for adventure.

The following is a clip of US enjoying life, the Harley and each other. It's about the places we've been and seen and things we've enjoyed. We do almost everything together and go almost everywhere together and just in case you haven't guessed - we're in it for the long haul. The journey just got much more interesting thanks to The Ride - stay tuned...

Here's an Anniversary Card - to US!

Thirty Seven Years 

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