Our Harley Days
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Birthday Snow

October 28, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yeah - it's my birthday. I woke earlier than usual this morning. I was having a dream about a birthday ride (motorcycle ride) and in the dream it was time to get up and go... In my dream, the sun was shining and the road was calling. Didn't happen. Nope. The reality is we have snow. Lots of snow.

Birthday Coffee It started snowing last night about 8 pm. It is still snowing. We are in the midst of the first major winter storm and it's a doozie. So, we rose this morning, made the first of three pots of coffee, lit a fire log and I opened a few packages and cards filled with lots of nice things.

The packages started arriving last week but didn't get opened until today because of Tim, otherwise known as the official it-is-not-your-birthday-yet grinch. Noooo, around here your day is your day. Ha! The Folks called first (they always do) and it was great to chat with both Mom and Dad. Since, Mother Nature more or less cancelled the birthday ride to Vern's for breakfast - Tim whipped up a batch of his famous eggs-in-a-basket which suited me just fine.

I have opened many fine gifts and cards, received great emails and Facebook messages, and talked to the Folks, the Daughter, my brother and my 98 year old Grandmother.

The rest of the day is mine to do as I please until Tim gets off, although I expect a visit or two from friends this evening. Tim isn't feeling well, so as soon as he left for work, I went out to shovel the first 6-8 inches of snow from the drive and sidewalk. The fact that I did, will probably get me a birthday spankin' - but, he has to catch me first. Not to worry, I love being out in the snow - next to riding the Harley, snow is one of my favorite things. And, if we can't be riding the Harley - it might as well snow.

Like I said, so Far, so Good. Here are a few pics...

The day isn't over yet. I have yet to cut the cake. Right now, I'm off for another stroll in the snow... Stay tuned.

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