Our Harley Days
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Friday, October 23, 2009

Lil' Motorcycle Dudes

October 23, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

Both of my Grandsons have been Motorcycle Dudes for Hallowe'en in the past... mostly because their clever Mom saved the costume. Of course they've moved on to ghouls and goblins and screamers and other iconic characters from popular culture. I believe this year Stewart is going for the Mummy-Look. Chevy says he isn't dressing up... he turned 13 this year and if he knew I was posting this pic - he'd be squealing oh GrrranmaaaAAAaaaaAA... little does he know that I saved him from a fate crueler than death that year because he came within the hair's breadth of being a Tele-Tubbie... a purple one... oh man!

Chevy Man - 1998
Stewart - Mr Kool - 2005
Mr Kool

1 comment:

  1. The funny part of the story with this costume is the fact that Chevy wouldn't wear the hat, remember? He threw it at everybody, me, the photographer and the patient lady waiting behind us while we took these photos. Suffice it to say that we snuck the hat in the photo when he wasn't looking. Stewart, on the other hand, loved the hat!


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