Our Harley Days
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Saturday, January 30, 2010

First Ride 2010!

January 30, 2010
Fort Collins, CO

First Ride 2010 Tim rolled out of here at 3 pm for the first ride of 2010! He was determined to get a January ride in. You should have seen the grin on the man's face -- and nope - he didn't look back. Ha!

It is 43 degrees and clouds are moving in. I have answered the what temperature is it question at least six times since 9 am. Flurries are in the forecast for tomorrow. It was now or never (or at least February). We still have patches of snow on neighborhood streets, especially at intersections and corners but there are paths and once out of the neighborhood, the main roads are decent... doesn't matter if the ride is ten minutes or ten miles... at least he's rolling.

Nope - he did not look back - ha!

It was half an hour and 19.4 miles. He says it was a cold ride, but he's still grinning.


  1. At least he got to ride. Here in the Dallas area it has been in the low 30's and rainy.

  2. Yeah... and when it's cold and wet in Texas - it's bone-chilling... last year we got several rides in during the Winter - short but fun... but it was mostly dry. This year we've had snow and colder than normal temps and ice-packed streets. Let's see riding at 45 mph with temps in the 40s puts the wind chill in the low to mid 20s - brrr... that's why he was riding solo - I'm a tough ol' bird but... did I say brrrr... ha! Thanks for chiming in. Ride safe. Ride free.


Ride safe. Ride free. Thanks for visiting Our Harley Days. Your feedback is appreciated. -V- P.S. All comments are moderated - spammers get your jollies elsewhere.