Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Ride of 2010 Still on Hold

January 19, 2010
Fort Collins, CO

Street Corner Jan 19, 2010 Yep... we are still waiting to get the first ride of 2010 in... this is a view of the street corner near our house. The main streets and roads of Fort Collins are clear. The neighborhood streets are far from it. Storm drains are frozen completely over so what melts moves a few inches and freezes again overnight.

The only thing that will help is if Mother Nature gives us an unseasonable warm spell, rain and winds. Street maintenance (neighborhood) in our city and many other cities in Colorado is deplorable, but I can guarantee you every damn mile of beautiful, cement bicycle path in the state is clean. Bicyle lanes on the main roads are clean. I don't get it - bicycle riders do not directly contribute one tax dollar to parks and recreation or road fees... but motorized vehicles in Colorado are paying double and then some... geez!

By this time last year we had ridden at least six times... not very many miles but enough to shake off cabin fever.

Meanwhile Dad and our Texas buddies are enjoying some very Spring-like weather and getting out on a few rides. There's been talk of "borrowing" a Huey and a Colorado rescue mission... a few more days of this and we're going to start taking the offer seriously - grin!

All shined up and ready to go...The Ride is all shined up and ready to go...

Night-NightBut - just like us - is wrapped in a blankie and suffering from a severe case of cabin fever.


  1. The Ride sure is looking shiny & ready to go. I looked at The Rides back tire & just went out & looked at SO's.. SO's back tire is pitiful but I think she can make it another thousand miles or so..We have to get The Ride & SO together. Maybe thay can make us grandparents of a couple of Sporties. lol Stay warm up there. I know a former Army Huey pilot. Now we have to find a Huey... We will prayfor s0ome warm, street clearing temps for ya'll.. Ride safe...

  2. That rear tire is a new one... it's just dusty - has more tread that it appears to have. We put it on just after the trip to Texas in September - riding over 2000 miles on one that should have been changed before that trip - scary. I'll be waiting to see if you have any pull with the powers that be - in regards to the weather :) Take care John, ride safe when you can and get that foot operational!


Ride safe. Ride free. Thanks for visiting Our Harley Days. Your feedback is appreciated. -V- P.S. All comments are moderated - spammers get your jollies elsewhere.