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Saturday, November 8, 2014

A seasoned Veteran... doing what he does

Texas: Here's my favorite Veteran rolling out to honor all other Veterans. The Veterans Day parade is today in Wichita Falls, Texas. This particular Veteran has been participating in the parade in some capacity for decades now. The parade in my hometown is always a significant event... significant to me and mine anyway. I have stood on the sidelines many times through the years and it was always a thrill to salute the colors, watch the military and high school bands march by, feel the thump of drum cadence in my chest, and hear the patriotic songs with a lump in my throat. Today parade-goers will hear the rumble of respect coming from motorcycles... that's what my favorite Veteran is doing today... I salute you DAD! I salute all Veterans.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you Americans honour your veterans, I too am a veteran of a bush war that took place many years ago, different country but our stories are the same - your Dad and I could share some interesting ones, respect!


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