Our Harley Days
Our Rides... Our Adventures... Our Family and Friends...
Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Celebrating #43 Today

The card we received in the mail from the Folks said this: Love is not for sissies. Love is not all music and moonlight and romance. Love, real love, takes work. It takes patience and courage and commitment. Real love - the kind that makes two people make a promise as big as "I do" - isn't easy, but if anything in life is worth the effort, it's real love...

What a great card - we could not agree more!

After 43 years and some together, we do not do a bunch of thinking and talking about love. We know what love is - it is not something you think about - it is not something you talk about - love is the breath of a life shared... love is something you do - something we do - every damn day.

I guess if we would add anything to the list of things love IS - we would add the s'miles we get from riding the Harley. Riding is a gift we give ourselves - it trumps cards and flowers and sissified stuff - romance is found on the side of a road we have just traveled for the first time or at the end of the day when we find ourselves in a town we decide to call home for the night. It is time shared and memories made in tandem. No, we do not talk about love overmuch. We talk about the places we've been and the things we've seen and the times we've had - together. And we talk about the places we want to go and the things we want to see and the times we look forward to - together - because whether it is loving, living, sharing or riding - we just cannot stop doing it - together - stay tuned.

A few pics from our Colorado >> Kansas >> Missouri >> Arkansas >> Oklahoma >> Texas road trip this past summer...

1 comment:

  1. Nice words, we have also been married more than forty years and one of our major loves is our touring on the bike together, nothing like it is there?
    Very nice photos, I am not an HD fan but I must admit those are mighty fine looking bikes. All the best.


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