Our Harley Days
Our Rides... Our Adventures... Our Family and Friends...
Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March is Here!

March 1, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

Any day in the 60s, when the sun is trying to peak through and the winds are nearly calm and the roads are clear is a day to ride in Colorado. If your bike was in the garage today -- we have just one question - WHY?

We behaved ourselves for as long as we could and managed to finish the chores that needed to get done today. The fence that blew down in our last good wind storm is standing again.

We rolled out of the neighborhood about noon. Granted, it was chilly on and off throughout the day because the sun had trouble burning through the low cloud cover, but for the most part the riding weather was fine and we were eager to be out a bit farther than we've ventured most of the winter.

Our ride today took us west and south, mostly south. We rode the back roads to one of our favorite destinations (even before we had the Harley) and the favorite destination of most bikers who live in this area. Lyons, Colorado. Lyons is a tiny town at the base of two roads leading into the mountains, either to the peak-to-peak highway or Estes Park. It is the home of Oskar Blues Grill & Brew. Lyons is the host of many musical events throughout the year including a huge bluegrass festival in July. We like the park across from Oskar's and stop there often.

The second part of our ride took us further south to the roads in and around Boulder and Longmont where most of the world was outside, on motorcycles, bicycles, in convertibles, walking, jogging, fishing, wind-surfing - you name it.

Eventually, as the shadows grew long, we knew it was time to head back. The question was - take the quick route or amble back sort of the way we came? Of course, we chose the latter, daring the sun to dip behind the mountains before we were ready to call it a day. The road home took us through Lyons again where we stopped at the park and munched on the picnic lunch I packed in a hurry before we left out. We dined on b'loney sandwiches, chips, brownies and bananas.

We rolled into Fort Collins about a half hour before the sun set and just as the temperature was dipping below what was comfortable. What a great day!

Tim feeling a little frisky as we're heading out...

OK - maybe I'm feeling a little frisky, myself...

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