Our Harley Days
Our Rides... Our Adventures... Our Family and Friends...
Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Ride gets a Snow Day

March 26, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

Five to Six inches of snow and counting with somewhere around a foot or so by the time all is said and done means The Ride gets a rest and a weekend or more off. Pooh! We have drifts of over two feet due to the winds which are howling. This is the big Spring storm we've been expecting. We can't get on with the business of Spring until said storm has come and gone. So... we'll throw another log on the fire and stir the stew and... I guess we'll spend our weekend doing domestic stuff YIKTH! and thinking about where the road will take us when warm weather returns.


  1. Hey Vickie,

    If ya get too bored, break out the snow mobiles, put on the bandana's, go fast, close your eyes and pretend you're on THE RIDE....It might work..Oh yeah, watch out for those telephone guide wires. They can ruin your day on the snow mobiles REAL quick...Stay warm!!!

  2. LOL! Thanks for the snow mobile idea although we're thinking not even the same thing. The Ride may be insulted. Ha! We appreciate the warning about telephone guide wires -- I'm assuming you speak from personal experience... :)


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