Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

73 degrees and clear skies

November 1, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

PMS Yep... we are pouting... definitely suffering from PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome). We haven't ridden since October 18. First, it was cold - very cold. Then, Tim got down in his back. Then, it snowed, snowed a bunch, a couple of days before Hallowe'en. We are just now thawing out... and Tim, poor guy - is still down in his back.

Wichita Falls, TX - According to photographer friend John: Today a group of 16 bikes and 21 riders road up to the Wichita Mountains, and went to Mount Scott, Chaps My Ass & Ann's Country Restaurant. Temp was 73 with clear sky's...

Thanks, as always for the Dad-Pics John. For more pictures of this ride including the beautiful scenery see John's excellent post at North Texas Bikers


  1. Ann's Country Kitchen was my sis's favorite place to eat when they lived nearby. She was always sending John over for a hamburger too!! The weather that day was beautiful; I mowed.

  2. Yeah - it looks like our kind of place, too.


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