Our Harley Days
Our Rides... Our Adventures... Our Family and Friends...
Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Shopping around ride

November 8, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

Just us... We had some errands to run today, but with the sun shining and the temps rising to bearable and The Ride begging for another outing, we just couldn't get serious about them. At least, not serious enough to go in the Tahoe.

Tim had an errand at Sportsman's Warehouse. I needed to shop for an office chair. So, we did our shopping on the Harley and made an afternoon out of it. Tim's purchases fit in the saddle bag. We found the office chair and went back for it late in the day.

Before leaving, we stopped to chat with our friend Al who snapped a couple of pictures of us before we rode out...

Tim - ready to ride
Vik ready to ride


  1. Ya'll look great while enjoying the nice day on The Ride...Ya know, SO & THE RIDE look similar...Think they are cousins? Enjoy the weather reprieve and ride safe...

  2. Certainly SO and TR must be cousins - in fact, it is likely that WE are cousins and why not?


Ride safe. Ride free. Thanks for visiting Our Harley Days. Your feedback is appreciated. -V- P.S. All comments are moderated - spammers get your jollies elsewhere.