Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Monday, November 9, 2009

American Veterans Traveling Tribute Escort

November 9, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

AVTT Truck Wichita Falls, TX - Dad (Ted) and several other riders met up with the American Veterans Traveling Tribute a few miles outside of Wichita Falls and escorted it in. Mom (Inez) was on hand to take a few pics.

Dad and friends will saddle up again tomorrow to escort the wall on to Childress, TX where it is scheduled to be part of the Veterans Day celebration.
AVTT Drivers
The Driver of the wall vehicle and his support driver, Mr Emberton (older gentleman) and Mr Weatherlee.

AVTT Truck
American Veterans Traveling Tribute Vehicle

Dad's Ride
Dad's Ride flying the colors and looking good. It should, quipped Mom (Inez) since I detailed it myself. Is it any wonder why he's kept her around for 55 years?

Gary's Ride
Gary's Patriotic Ride leaves no room for doubt... probably the most photographed bike in North Texas

Brother's Ride
The Brother's ride, sporting the colors and looking good...

Ted and TedJr
According to Mom (Inez), this photo depicts Dad (Ted) giving the brother (TedJr) what for about the usage of cell phones. Apparently, my brother didn't get all the details of the ride and missed hooking up with the other riders.

Nice shirt bro
Timely or not - little bro was wearing a kool shirt.

Stay tuned... hopefully there are more pics to come.

American Veterans Traveling Tribute Wall


  1. Thanks Vickie, for the post & pics...I missed this one last night & the one today to Childress. Your posts & pics will allow me to see the rides & my fellow PGR members. Thanks to your mom for sending you the pics...Ride Safe

  2. thanks for checking in, John - we need you back in the saddle with camera in hand - Nubbin thinks so, too. I mean - my goodness DAD had to take pictures on the way to Childress yesterday - oh me!


Ride safe. Ride free. Thanks for visiting Our Harley Days. Your feedback is appreciated. -V- P.S. All comments are moderated - spammers get your jollies elsewhere.