Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Patches and Catfish Ride - Texas

November 28, 2009
Wichita Falls, TX

When we announced our intention to bring The Ride home with us for our Texas Turkey Day vacation, Dad said we would ride with friends and family one day. Tim rode with Dad Wednesday to Waurika, OK while Mom and I were out shopping for a Christmas tree and having mini-margaritas at El Gordo's. Then Tim and I rode with Dad to a Welcome Home Mission Wednesday night. Thursday (Thanksgiving) we rode to Henrietta after lunch at the Cracker Barrel to visit with my 98 year old Grandmother. Friday Tim and Chevy rode with Dad to Black Friday at Red River Harley-Davidson and then on to El Gordo's once again where we all gathered for lunch (no mini-margaritas - sigh!). Friday afternoon we rode across town to visit with our good friends Tina and Bobby.

Some of us could get loose for a Saturday ride and some couldn't. Some had familial obligations, work, and other stuff. The biggest disappointment was Dad didn't get to ride with us because of a pulled muscle in his back, but he insisted we ride and so we did with a great group of people. It was bright and sunny, a little windy and a little chilly (by Texas standards, that is - grin).

Our new friends, Ray and Laura, Nubbin, my brother, and my other brudder Kenny rode with us to the Biker Roadhouse in Saint Jo, Texas. On the way, Kenny and TedJr played the kill switch game. When Kenny got bored with that we played hide-and-seek aka Where the Hell is Kenny? In Saint Jo, we shopped for patches, visited and milled around on the old square that was decorated for Christmas.

Here, Nubbin gifted Tim and myself with a memorial pin for Gary (his son, Sgt Gary S Johnston, lost in Iraq 2007). We are sincerely touched and humbled by this gesture of friendship and will wear the pins with pride. Now, when we pull on our vests loaded with patriotic emblems, one medal will shine brighter than all the others and give meaning to w-h-y we wear them.

We were joined by two more riders Charlie and Barry. Glad to meet ya guys. Soon, it was time to ride into Oklahoma for catfish and we were ready! So Kenny led us out of Saint Jo on a nice ride to Doug's Peach Orchard. The Peach Orchard has been serving up catfish since 1948. It is located on Hwy 81 just outside of the tiny town of Terral, OK or north of Ringold or south of Ryan or east of Waurika but nowhere near Ringling as the daughter discovered on her scenic tour of the R-towns in the area... ha! Mom and Dad joined us in the car. Stormy and Rob joined us, as well. TedJr had other business so he didn't stay for lunch, but we were glad he got to ride with us part of the way. We had a great time visiting with everyone. There's not much more to be said here except YUM!

After consuming some darn good catfish, we rode toward Waurika, OK for fuel and west toward the casinos for tobacco. At this point, we said our good-byes as we would all go our separate ways in a few miles. Tim and I would split off first to meet up with friends in Burkburnett.

Thanks to everyone who joined the ride and met us for lunch. You made the day memorable in ways we cannot begin to express. Kicking off year #39 by riding in Texas with such wonderful people has got to be a good sign - a really good sign. We look forward to riding with all of you again and if you get on up this way next summer - give us a holler - ya hear?

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding post & pictures, as always, Vickie. I am glad ya'll had a great time & good weather for riding while you were here. Again, I am really sorry I didn't get to see or ride with ya'll..Got another 4-6 weeks off the foot, then hopefully, all will be well again. I WILL be coming up to Ft. Collins on SO and WILL get some riding time in with you, Tim & The Ride.. Ride Safe... Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you & yours...


Ride safe. Ride free. Thanks for visiting Our Harley Days. Your feedback is appreciated. -V- P.S. All comments are moderated - spammers get your jollies elsewhere.