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Monday, February 8, 2010

More snow...

February 8, 2010
Fort Collins, CO

Snow Feb 2010 Mother Nature is not cooperating with our motorcycle ride agenda this year.

We had snow again over the weekend. It is still snowing today. And, it is cold. Below freezing and it's going to stay there. You say - Big Deal - you live in Colorado. That would be correct and snow is part of living in beautiful Colorado.

See, our usual deal is we get snow, then we get sun and it melts, then we get a ride before it snows again. We normally do not get cold (below freezing) and stay cold.

I think Mother Nature is a bit peeved at all this talk of man controlling Global Warming and/or Climate Change. Mother Nature is proving just how little we know about her true power... power beyond the control of man. And, she's going to continue to remind us of it until we get it or somebody puts Algore in snow shoes and makes him walk the Himalayas. Sigh!


  1. We don't have all the snow in Texas like you, but the weather is not cooperating here either. I guess it is all that global warming making it so cold? Wait a minute! I thought it was "warming" :)

  2. Yeah - I heard. I don't get it either... I'm no scientist but I know the difference between cold and warm... and this is definitely not warm... You'll likely get a ride in before we do - if that's the case - enjoy. Ride safe. Ride free.


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