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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Riders Honor Veteran - Temple, OK

February 2, 2010
Fort Collins, CO

Dad pays his respects with other Veteran Riders and stands the flag line for US Navy Veteran.

PGR Mission - Temple, OK
Texas -- Charlie 'Hoot' Gibson USN, Korea, Vietnam (1932-2010) Temple, OK. United States Navy, Korea. Four tours of duty, including two stat teams, Vietnam, Reserves 10 years.

This is what some Veteran Riders do. They respect veterans and the families of veterans. This is the mission. They don't stand around whining about the color of a patch on some other person's back because when all is said and done the whole point is about real colors, colors that don't run, and the people who have defended those colors and the freedoms we enjoy.

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