Our Harley Days
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Birthday ride...

October 28, 2010
Colorado, USA

Vik - birthday 2010 Fort Collins, Co -- A fun birthday starts out with a surprise package from the Folks full of really nice things like a new Harley Davidson belt (with just the right amount of bling) and a new Harley-Davidson hoodie.

I loved hearing my 99 year old Grandma sing me the funny birthday song. Then there were cards and calls, emails and FB notes from family members and good friends.

Last year it snowed on my birthday so while it was chilly today, the sun was shining and I was happy to see it. The day finally warmed into the 40s. I got a Harley Ride to Vern's for lunch with Tim. Afterwards, I had the whole afternoon free to stroll through the book store... and that's exactly what I did. A couple of them even came home with me.

Later, I'll have a super-duper sized cupcake and ice cream when Tim gets home... add to that a three day Hallowe'en weekend with weather good enough to ride and I am all smiles...

Just a short slide show (8 photos):

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