Our Harley Days
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday before Halloween ride

October 30, 2010
Colorado, USA

Fort Collins, CO -- Saturday ride... Tomorrow is Hallowe'en. We have guests coming so tomorrow will be spent in preparation for that, but today we ride. And a fine Fall day to ride it was.

As usual, we rode out with no agenda. We made a quick stop at the dollar store in the small town of Windsor for a couple of relish items. There, we found ourselves in the midst of hundreds of trick-or-treaters collecting candy from Main Street merchants. We watched the munchkins for a short while, then I snapped pictures as we rode out of town. We found ourselves winding our way up and down country roads for most of the afternoon. Some of the roads were familiar, some were not. We rode through some small towns we have not visited before, found a BBQ place in Mead and a museum in Platteville that will bear a second look sometime this winter while we are stuck flat-landing it.

Eventually we found ourselves in Lyons where we made our usual stop, then took the loonnngggg way home, riding in about dusk -- just in time to light the Hallowe'en display.

Slide show (25 photos):

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