Our Harley Days
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

500 Mile Break-In Over! Let's ride!

May 5, 2010
Fort Collins, CO

500 Miles
Crabapples in bloom The hardest thing to do with a new Harley is behave yourself during the 500 mile baby-it break in period.

Because of inclement weather, it took us about a week to get there but we crossed the line this afternoon on a 90+ mile BTGTWR (Before Tim Goes To Work Ride). We have had The New Ride exactly one week. Now we have to make the 1000 mile mark for the first maintenance. We are done getting acquainted - now it's time to get up close and personal... Let's ride! Woo-Hoo!

Gurgon the Gargoyle Before we rode out, Tim installed our gremlin bells. Tim's eagle bell rides up front. Gurgon (Dad's name for my gargoyle bell) rides in the back. Both bells were gifts from the Folks when we first got our rides.

Tim's new night shift hours allow for a little more riding time so we rolled out of the drive and headed south about noon, knowing we could ride a couple of hours and easily get the mileage we needed. The day is sunny but temps struggled to get out of the 40s and then the 50s. The winds were kicked up between 10 and 20 mph. That's breezy compared to yesterday's Chinook Winds with 60 to 80 mph gusts along the front range. Berthoud Pass had 100 mph gusts. Yikes!

Did I mention The Ride has a stereo? It's tuned to a classic rock station, of course. As we rode back into town, it was blaring Steppenwolf - what else - Born to Be Wiiiillllllld. Ha!

Here are a couple of pics...

MountainsHere's the obligatory mountain shot. It's impossible to ride along the front range without looking west and snapping a photo.

Look Ma! No hands!Look Ma - no hands - cruise control is gonna be alright!

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