Our Harley Days
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Road Trip #1 - Day 4 - Relaxing with friends and family

May 30, 2010
Fort Collins, CO

Wichita Falls, TX -- Today was not a riding day. After yesterday's long, hot ride to the Farmers Branch Memorial Day activities, we were all ready to kick back and relax. We spent the morning being lazy and visiting with the Folks. Mom cooked a big, country breakfast for all of us. YUM!

Flag at Grotto We had an invite from Angela and Nubbin for hot dogs and all the fixins so the four of us joined a few others (Laura and Ray, Mike and Barbara, Laura from Bowie) at Nubbin and Angela's place in the country near Windthorst, TX. The food was great. (Tim is still talking about that ice cream dessert, Angela.) The company and conversation was about as good as it gets.

Nubbin and Angela have an amazing collection of Gary's war memorabilia and items (including a good many flags) presented to them by Gary's fellow soldiers and organizations from all over who have honored the loss of their son.

The Grotto We had a great time. As we left late in the afternoon, Dad drove us by the Grotto at Saint Mary's Church in Windthorst. Here, Angela and Nubbin's son and Nubbin's brother are honored with a memorial. The Grotto was built in 1950 to honor the 64 WWII soldiers who served from that small community, all of whom returned home safely.

Embedded in the benches at the grotto are armed forces emblems, including a POW/MIA emblem. I believe Angela said her brother contributed these. The flower beds were blooming in a riot of color and flags were scattered among them in preparation for Memorial Day ceremonies scheduled for tomorrow. It is a lovely place, the Grotto, quiet and serene.

Tim and Mom - GrottoTim and Mom at the Grotto


Gary's Memorial at Grotto

Gary's memorial at Grotto

And, on the way home Dad wanted to show me this amazing collection of antique tractors and other farm equipment. Of course, I had to stop for a few pics. I'd like to go back there sometime when the light is better... the following are a few attempts at good shots from a distance in bad (early evening) light.

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