Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Test the flags ride...

May 16, 2010
Fort Collins, CO

Flags Talk about a couple of people glad to see some sunshine - that would be us! Yesterday was a long, dreary day of rain and clouds. There's just something really wrong with a gloomy Saturday in May. We spent the day cussing the skies and tinkering with some of the features on the bike. We tried on the head set for size, listened to the weather band radio predict rain for our area, tuned in the CB, plugged in the MP3 player, listened to ACDC on CD and other stuff. Finally we got out and ran a few errands in the cage. Boring! As we called it a day with a couple of beers, the skies began to clear.

The sun streaming through the blinds this morning had us up early and more than ready to shake off the soggy Saturday blues with a healthy ride. We rode today with flags flying from the new brackets Tim manufactured last week. We looked at several designs and balked at the price a bit so Tim being the creative guy he is - simply adapted a design that would work for us.

FlagsThe first part of the test-the-flags ride sent us riding north on I-25 at 75-80 mph toward the Wyoming border. We rode about half way (20 miles or so) and turned around and roared south on I-25 a few more miles. We rode on, exploring a couple of new stretches of road to the northern edge of the Denver suburbs, stopping for coffee a couple of times and ice cream. Motorcycles were everywhere.

Mother Nature cooperated for the most part, at least along the Front Range. It snowed in the high country today. At one point, we rode up under a little cloud that threatened to shorten our day with rain. I said to Tim - ride away from it - quick - and we did. Today's ride was just over 200 miles - we passed 1300 miles on the new bike shortly after rolling out of the drive, we'll easily break 1500 miles before the end of the next week.

Highway riding on this Ride is going to be really, really nice. We are ready. Riding in northern Colorado is fun -- there are so many roads with gorgeous views and plenty of twists and turns and humps, lakes to ride around, dams to cross, roads in and out of the foothills, farm roads and country lanes, various canyons... but, we long for the open road, longer roads, new sites. Vacation time is coming up soon... and we plan to spend every day of our holidays and vacations riding.

Here are a few more pics:

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