Our Harley Days
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Traveling free and easy down a road that never ends...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday Ride

April 10, 2009
Fort Collins, CO

What's this? What's this? Today was supposed to be warm and clear according to the knucklehead weather people! We finally hit 50 degrees long about 1 pm - not really warm - not really the weather we were hoping for, but better than it looks for the rest of the weekend. It wasn't the Good Friday ride we were hoping for either as we thought to ride much further afield than our general area. We rode to Lyons, stopped in the park as usual to warm up and stretch our legs. After that, we attempted the run to Boulder, but turned around when we rounded a hillside and saw a snow squall coming over the ridge. We ambled our way back to Fort Collins, criss-crossing country roads until we declared it to be officially beer-thirty. We stopped for said beer and called it a day.

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